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Selasa, 10 April 2012

Maher Zain - Number One For Me | Official Music Video

Review on the song:
Tema yang diambil Maher Zain kali ini adalah lebih universal yaitu tentang Ibu. Sebuah penyesalan sekaligus permintaan maaf yang telah merepotkan sang bunda sejak kecil. Hingga usia beranjak dewasa saatnya untuk membalas jasa-jasa orang tua especially MOM. Secara vokal, masih khas Kang Maher Zain, terdengar effortless menyanyikan singel terbaru ini. Aransemen easy listeningdan terdengar mirip gubahan lagu boyband Eropa yang sempat happening tempo dulu. Tepat sekali, jika 'Number One for Me' dicomot menjadi singel perdana dalam kantong album kedua Maher Zain ini.

Review on video:
Masih dengan sutradara video yang sama. Scene terlihat memang khas Maher Zain banget. Mengambil model seorang bocah cilik yang terlihat nakal bersama ibunda tercintanya di rumah. Benar-benar membuat sang Bunda jengkel. Maklum namanya juga anak kecil. Yang unik adalah adegan menjelang akhir video, ketika Maher Zain tiba di rumah dan menyampaikan pesan melalui gambar dengan tulisan-tulisan yang "So Sweet"

Review on Album:
Hebatnya di Indonesia, lagu "Number One For Me" secara premier diputar di 50 stasiun radio di Indonesia pada 12 Maret lalu. Serentak pada pukul 17.00 WIB/18.00 WITA/19.00 WIT. Fenomenal! Tidak hanya di Radio-radio jaringan muslim, tetapi juga Radio-radio nasional di seluruh Indonesia.

Lirik 'Number One For Me' Maher Zain

I was a foolish little child

Crazy things I used to do

And all the pain I put you through

Mama now I'm here for you

For all the times I made you cry

The days I told you lies

Now it's time for you to rise

For all the things you sacrificed


Oh, if I could turn back time rewind

If I could make it undone

I swear that I would

I would make it up to you

Mum I'm all grown up now

It's a brand new day

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

And it's not too late

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

And now I finally understand

Your famous line

About the day I'd face in time

'Cause now I've got a child of mine

And even though I was so bad

I've learned so much from you

Now I'm trying to do it too

Love my kid the way you do


You know you are the number one for me (x3)

Oh, oh, number one for me

There's no one in this world that can take your place

Oh, I'm sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh

I will use every chance I get

To make you smile, whenever I'm around you

Now I will try to love you like you love me

Only God knows how much you mean to me


You know you are the number one for me (x3)

Oh, oh, number one for me

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